 You are invited to accompany Donna Authers through the pages of A Sacred Walk. If you fear death or the dying process or you would like to know how best to provide practical, emotional, and spiritual support to a friend or loved one living with a life threatening illness, this book is for you.
A Sacred Walk is a collection of vivid vignettes from the lives of many courageous people who have already looked death squarely in the face, and the story of Anna’s last nine days is a particularly compelling read.
Writer Donna Authers lived in fear of death from childhood well into her adult life, the result of an unusual number of tragic losses in her family. You will be captivated by the miraculous account of how her fear of death was broken by her grandmother’s faith. It marked the start of her calling as a caregiver to others as they, or their loved ones, prepared to leave this world.
The lessons of life highlighted throughout A Sacred Walk capture the wisdom of Donna’s special friends, and if heeded, just may help you live and die with no regrets.
ORDER signed copies of A Sacred Walk or its companion Discussion Guide from A&A Publishing. Also available through Stephen Ministry, The Order of St. Luke, any online distributor such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your favorite bookstore.
ISBN 13: 978-0-615-24585-0
224 pages
US $15.95
Order Companion Discussion Guide
30 pages
US $4.00
A Sacred Walk is now available as an e-Book (includes Discussion Guide).
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